Weight Loss Made Simple

Weight Loss Made Simple

Published By Dr. Stacy Heimburger

Health & FitnessNutritionEducation

Do you feel like you’re “winning” at life in so many ways, but just can’t seem to figure out the weight loss piece of the puzzle? Do you dream of shedding those extra pounds while boosting your health as well as the overall health of your family … but you just can’t seem to get everything to come together?

You're not alone. Meet your host, Dr. Stacy Heimburger. She's been in your shoes, grappling with weight issues and cycling through countless fad diets. Now, as a board-certified internal medicine physician and an advanced certified weight loss coach, she's cracked the code. Dr. Stacy has successfully lost over 80 pounds by embracing just two foundational principles: mindfulness and self-care.

These aren't just trendy buzzwords; they're the keys to aligning your personal, professional, and family goals. If you're ready to ditch punishing, restrictive diets, focus on a fulfilling, healthy, and long-lasting life, and shed those stubborn pounds along the way, then you’re in the right place.

To learn how you can work directly with Dr. Stacy, visit www.sugarfreemd.com

Stacy Heimburger

Stacy HeimburgerHost