The Hotflash inc podcast

The Hotflash inc podcast

Published By Hotflash Inc

Health & FitnessAlternative HealthMental Health

I'm Ann Marie McQueen, journalist and founder of Hotflash Inc, a platform to inform, entertain and encourage people going through perimenopause, menopause andropause and midlife around the world. I'm here reminding you that while nothing about this peri/menopause transition is easy, it is going somewhere good. My aim is to give you the best information, in the most objective, balanced manner I can muster. I'll give you access to some remarkable people, cutting-edge information and research, new ideas, viewpoints you may not be used to hearing, a global view, some serious talk, and lots of silliness too. I'll always trust that you can use your own open, inquiring mind, unique experience, education, experience and perspective to decide what's right for you. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode, and if you like it, maybe leave a rating and a review. 
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Ann Marie McQueenHost