Wake The Farm Up! - Maintaining Ground

Wake The Farm Up! - Maintaining Ground

Published By Ande the Elf, Cuyo Guaribo & Stefin101

ComedyComedy InterviewsSociety & Culture

Serious Conversations, Seriously Funny. 
Improv Conversations with Old Friends, New Friends and Inspiring People.  Connecting us with the nature our humanity, food and music.  
Continually Exploring Homesteading, Foraging, and Permaculture intertwined with people's everyday experiences, lifestyles, stories and opinions with comedy, music and an open discussion platform. Hosted by Ande the Elf (a seasoned music lover, ecologist, farm and homestead consult). Unscripted live shows are combined with one on one interviews and other amazing explorations of an audio experience. Natures Sound Agent, Stefin101 (artist, sound producer, thinker) orchestrates fresh music to suite our live shows when he is not performing elsewhere.  Edit Elves construct the audio shows, natural frequencies built through ecosystem guidance and Elfkin. Often guest nature sound agents enjoy the opportunity to contribute to the show, the Podsquad.  Come to the unique live show and see what it is all about! Enjoy and Stay Tuned (subscribe) for more Episodes are Always and All Ways being harvested Fresh from the Pod at Wake the Farm Up! We are serious and seriously funny Hopesday Preppers!!! Let's Grow! We want to hear your voice.