Author Factor: Notable Nonfiction Books

Author Factor: Notable Nonfiction Books

Published By Non Fiction Book Marketing


The Author Factor is the premier podcast for business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders dedicated to exploring the transformative power of nonfiction book writing, book publishing, and book marketing. 

Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned publishing pro, you will discover invaluable nonfiction book writing, publishing, and marketing insights on every episode. Learn how to avoid critical mistakes, build a loyal following of readers, and harness your nonfiction book as the ultimate tool for expanding your reach, reinforcing your expertise, and driving new business opportunities.

Hosted by Mike Capuzzi, a 30+ year expert in marketing , author of 20 non fiction books and non fiction book publisher, this podcast offers a unique platform for sharing the remarkable stories and strategies of notable nonfiction authors whose works have significantly impacted their personal success, their businesses, and the lives of their readers.

Each week, The Author Factor explores the heart of nonfiction publishing, bringing you face-to-face with authors who have mastered the art of turning expertise and insights into compelling books that captivate, educate, and inspire action. 

Guests are carefully selected for their profound contributions to their respective fields, their innovative approaches to nonfiction writing, and their proven ability to leverage their books for greater influence and business growth.

Join us as we uncover the secrets behind successful nonfiction book publishing, from the initial concept to the writing process, from marketing and branding to the strategic use of a book as a tool for exponential business and personal brand development. 

Mike brings his extensive experience and passion for non-fiction to the table, facilitating insightful conversations that are packed with actionable advice and real-world wisdom.

Listeners will gain exclusive insights into:

- The journey of crafting a must-read nonfiction book that resonates with audiences and stands out in a crowded marketplace.

- Effective book marketing strategies for building and engaging a loyal readership, including social media tactics, content marketing tips, and networking secrets.

- The dos and don'ts of nonfiction publishing, as shared by authors who have navigated the pitfalls and peaks of the industry.

- Innovative ways to use your nonfiction book as a powerful marketing tool to elevate your brand, attract new business opportunities, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Listeners will also learn valuable tips about:

How to write a non-fiction book.

Non-fiction book cover design.

Storytelling in non-fiction.

Book launch strategies.

Book marketing strategies.

Author branding.

 Author websites.

Social media for authors.

Getting book reviews.

 Amazon bestseller strategies.

And much more!

If you're ready to unlock the true "author factor" in your business - and enjoy the accountability, influence, and explosive growth that comes with it - this is the podcast for you. Get ready to get inspired, get motivated, and take massive action on your nonfiction publishing goals. The Author Factor is here to be your guide.

Mike Capuzzi

Mike CapuzziHost