The Bogus Otis Show: 9 Degrees of Sammy Hagar

The Bogus Otis Show: 9 Degrees of Sammy Hagar

Published By Sammy Hagar: The Red Rocker!

MusicArtsPerforming Arts

A salute to Sammy Hagar- The Red Rocker! From Rock to Rum, Cabo to Cars to Catalina, Baja to Beer, Montrose to Mexico to Mezquila, Guitars to Gears to Grub, Chickenfoot, HSAS, The Circle, Los Tres Gusanos, The Other Half, and his still growing solo career, your "Bo-Hosts" Darin & Brent delve into anything- and everything- within 9 degrees of Sammy, making pit-stops at all points in-between! More than just a podcast, it's celebrating the "Red Rocker" lifestyle,  while also bringing a better "balance" and an increased social awareness to Sammy's incredible career as a Solo Artist, his contributions to  the VH legacy - and to ROCK n' ROLL itself!
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"What is understood...NEED be discussed!"